Annapolis to Havre De Grace to Delaware City

 May 24th

It occurred to me that many people will struggle with orienting themselves to some of the locations we are at.  From here forward I will include elements from our Nebo log showing our route and some stats.

We pulled out of Annapolis yesterday AM.  The visit would not be complete without a trip down EGO ALLY.  I simply had to do it.  For those that don't know, it is a small waterway that dives into the heart of Annapolis.  Everyone motors down it, turns around and motors out just to show off their boat. The previous days we went down this area to get to town in the dinghy with Yudee on the bow.  If we had a dollar for everyone who took his picture we could cover our gas for the trip!  He was quite the attraction.

We departed immediately after Ego Ally and traveled from Annapolis Md to Havre De Grace Md.  The trip up the bay was perfectly calm and smooth.  Great cruising.  Perhaps the most impressive view on the bay is from under the Chesapeake Bay Bridge.  Totally cool. There is something hypnotic looking at it.

 So,  what does the travel log look like? Funny you should ask:

If you look at this log, you will see lots of things including 2 voyages.  Every time we stop, it shows us as a new voyage but the summary for the day puts it all together.  The color coding shows our speed at different segments.

The stop we made this day was cool.  We were headed up the bay and saw a beautiful sand beach.  Quick investigation showed it was part of a YMCA camp.  There was a John Deere Gator working the beach so we shouted out asking if we could come ashore and use it.  He said absolutely so we did.  Yudee LOVED running and playing on the sand. We saw bald eagles and tons of shells.

Havre De Grace was a nice quaint town.  The town was incredibly well maintained with artwork on all the buildings.  It was extremely well done and demonstrated town pride better than any place I had seen.  Each building told a story of the town.

They also had really cool parks with great art work.  The duck decoy museum was fascinating. 

We were going to spend two nights there but when we considered the upcoming holiday, we decided we wanted to spend it in Cape May NJ so we took off this morning for Delaware City which is on the way.  Here is the log:

Now we sit at Delaware City.  On the funny side,  there are only a few restaurants in town.  Everyone said "Go to Kathy's" ... so we did.  After we sat, the waitress came over and said "we have moved to an abbreviated menu because we are to busy for the regular one.  This resulted in the worst food I have had in 2023 and maybe this entire decade.  Sigh,  you can't get it right all the time .... tomorrow will be a healthier day....

All in all, another great couple of days!


  1. Keep the posts and pictures going…so much fun seeing your adventures!


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