The Muddy Mississippi - Blue Ohio - Kentucky Lake

October 23 The Muddy Mississippi Beauty is in the eye of the beholder ... hmmmm ... let's try a different cliche .... Good looking from afar, but far from good looking! Yep, that works. The Mississippi from afar: Up close, not so much. It is muddy. The river banks are devoid of life, either natural or man made. The services for pleasure craft are non existent. And the traffic consists of massive barges that have full command over the river and require all others to yield. However, painting the picture this way could not be more wrong. The correct metaphor is "beauty is only skin deep". Whereas the Mississippi is clearly not the belle of the ball, she is the true bread winner of the world. Macro economist viewing competitive advantages by country and geographical region credit the Mississippi for providing the USA with unparalleled advantage when moving product in scale at rates unimaginable elsewhere. According to the U.S. Army...